Source of All Good

‏في دعاء سيد الاستغفار: أبوء لك بنعمتك علي، وأبوء بذنبي

:قال ابن القيم رحمه الله

ونكتةُ المسألة وسرُّها أنَّه لا يرى – يعني العبد – ربه إلا محسنا، ولا يرى نفسه إلا مُسيئا أو مفرِّطا أو مقصِّرًا، فيرى كل ما يسُره من فضل ربه عليه وإحسانه إليه وكل ما يسوؤهُ من ذنوبه

Regarding the supplication of the ‘sayyid al-istighfar’: “I acknowledge your grace upon me, and I acknowledge my sin.”

Ibn al-Qayyim, commented:

“An inner reflection of this point is that the servant does not see his Rabb as anything but the source of goodness, and he does not see himself as anything but a wrongdoer, unreasonable or negligent.

He thus, sees everything that delights him of his Rabb’s bounty upon him, as His benevolence towards him, and everything that displeases him due to his sins.”

  • الفوائد (ص٤٧)


An Exemplar of Mercy and Justice

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

While he was on his death bed, ‘Umar ibn ‘Abd Al-Azīz found that his servant was the one responsible for poisoning him, so he called him and said to him, “Woe to you, why did you put poison in my food?” The servant became terrified and confessed with great fear, “My master, the princes offered me a thousand dinar and promised to set me free if I did so.” The great Caliph said to him:

ضع الألف دينار فى بيت مال المسلمين واذهب فأنت حر لوجه الله ولقد عفوت عنك

“Return the thousand dinars to the Muslim treasury and go, for you are free for the sake of Allāh, and I have forgiven you.”

Despite being on the verge of death, ‘Umar was concerned with welfare of the Muslims and setting a most wonderful example of pardoning when he was able to. The scholars said about him:

ما مشى عمر خطوة واحدة إلا وكان له فيها نية لله

“Umar never took a single step except that he had the intention of [seeking the pleasure of] Allāh in it.”

In only two and a half years, he was able to eradicate poverty and spread fairness and justice throughout the lands, so much so that state heralds would call out in the streets, offering to arrange weddings for Muslims who wanted to marry but could not afford to do so, or to have their debts paid off, or for them to perform Hajj etc. All of that came from the brimming state treasury for Muslims.

Goodness overflowed and blessings spread, to the extent that he told the workers to throw surplus wheat and seeds in the desert for the birds to eat, so that it could not be said that the birds went hungry in Muslim lands.

Despite his great justice and achievements, he remained afraid of the burden of his responsibilities. He used to weep when he heard the Qur’ān, as if the Fire was not created except for him. He disavowed hypocrisy and its people; he would spend in the cause of knowledge and would gather righteous scholars and be in their company, remembering the matters of the Hereafter.

One of them said to him:

يا أمير المؤمنين صم عن الدنيا وأفطر على الموت وأجمع الزاد لليلة صبحها يوم القيامة

“O Leader of the Faithful, fast [i.e. abstain] from the dunya and break your fast with death, and gather the provisions by night for the morning of the Day of Qiyāmah.”

These words shook his heart and calmed his soul, so he began to live as if he was a hermit. This was seen in his dwelling, his clothing and his life in general. He lived the life of the poor, even though he was ruling a quarter of the known globe.

He was a disciple of Prophetic mercy and the grandson of none other than the distinguisher of truth and falsehood – ‘Umar Al-Farūq. He shunned base desires to such an extent that such desires began to avoid him. He divorced the dunya thrice and bought eternal gardens of bliss with it. The last words his blessed tongue uttered was the saying of Allāh Almighty: 

تلك الدار الآخرة نجعلها للذين لا يريدون علوا فى الأرض ولا فسادا والعاقبة للمتقين

“That ˹eternal˺ Home in the Hereafter We reserve ˹only˺ for those who seek neither tyranny nor corruption on the earth. The ultimate outcome belongs ˹only˺ to the righteous.” {Al-Qasas:83}

So, how true is the saying of the one who said:

وإذا سألوك عن العدل فى بلاد المسلمين فقل لهم لقد مات عمر

“And if they ask you about justice in Muslim lands, tell them, ‘Umar has died.'”


Noblest of Them All

إِنَّا أَنْزَلْنَاهُ قُرْآنًا عَرَبِيًّا لَعَلَّكُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ

❝ Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’ān so that you may understand. ❞ {Yūsuf:2}


وذلك لأن لغة العرب أفصح اللغات وأبينها وأوسعها، وأكثرها تأدية للمعاني التي تقوم بالنفوس، فلهذا أنزل أشرف الكتب بأشرف اللغات، على أشرف الرسل، بسفارة أشرف الملائكة، وكان ذلك في أشرف بقاع الأرض، وابتدئ إنزاله في أشرف شهور السنة وهو رمضان، فكمل من كل الوجوه

“This is because the Arab language is the most eloquent, clear, and broadest of languages, and the most fulfilling in terms of meanings that uplift the souls. Therefore, the most noble Book in the most noble language ​​was sent down to the most noble Messenger, through the agency of the most noble Angel.

And [it first came down] in the most noble part of the earth, and it commenced revelation in the most noble month of the year: Ramadān, and thus it was perfectly completed in every aspect.”


(التفسير ابن كثير)




Make Things Easy

Keeping upright upon obedience can be challenging, it is therefore the responsibility of parents to assist their children to ease into carrying out their duties towards Allāh ﷻ‎ in a gradual manner, keeping it light and easy.

In commenting on the Prophetic Hadīth:

يسروا و لا تعسروا

❝Make things easy for people and don’t make them difficult.❞ *

Commenting on this narration, imām al-Nawawī (d.676H) said:

وفيه تأليف مَن قَرُب إسلامه، وترك التَّشديد عليهم، وكذلك مَن قارب البلوغ مِن الصِّبيان ومَن بلغ، ومَن تاب مِن المعاصي، كلُّهم يُتَلطَّف بهم، ويُدْرَجون في أنواع الطَّاعة قليلًا قليلًا. وقد كانت أمور الإسلام في التَّكليف على التَّدريج؛ فمتى يسَّر على الدَّاخل في الطَّاعة -أو المريد للدُّخول فيها- سَهُلَت عليه، وكانت عاقبته -غالبًا- التَّزايد منها، ومتى عَسُرَت عليه أوشك أن لا يدخل فيها، وإن دخل أوشك أن لا يدوم أو لا يَسْتَحْلِيَها

“Here the Prophet ﷺ directed people to soften the hearts of people so they may come closer to Islām and keep away from stressing them out (with a rough and tough attitude).

This is especially the case with:

▪️ Children who are approaching puberty.

▪️ Those who are new in puberty.

▪️ Those who have repented from their sins; they should especially be dealt with gently.

[Practising obedience needs to be gradual, little by little without being overburdening.] Once one feels such ease and becomes steady in obeying Allāh, then he will increase in obedience. If he feels however, that obedience is heavy and difficult, he will likely leave it.

(In this case) even when one follows the path of obedience, he will then be unable to maintain it.”

Those who have repented from their wrongdoings, or have just entered into Islām; or children who have reached puberty need particular empathy and thoughtfulness to motivate them to build stronger character and conviction.

It is a process that takes patience and nurturing. One can’t reach piety overnight as it’s a step-by-step approach in building faith. Parents need to provide adequate guidance for the children to discover who Allāh is so that they can foster a more robust spiritual connection with their Creator and thus, come to love Allāh and the Deen more and more.

We beseech Allāh for His tawfīq in all our affairs.

* أخرجه البخاري (٦٩)

Silence is Gold

وإن المرء ليزل عن لسانه أشد مما يزل عن قدميه

It has fittingly been said that a person stumbles due to his tongue more than he stumbles with his feet.

Umm al-Mu’minīn, ‘Ā’ishah رضي الله عنها is reported to have said:

يتوضأ أحدكم من الطعام الطيب ولايتوضأ من الكلمة الخبيثة يقولها لأخيه

“[How is it that] one of you washes (his hands) before eating tasteful food, and yet doesn’t wash (his tongue) from uttering malicious words against his brother.”

المصنف لابن أبي شيبة (1435) ~


Take Advantage

Ibn al-Jawzi (d.525H) said regarding the importance of time and taking advantage of one’s life on earth:

ومن موافقة الكسل وحب البطالة تضييع الزمان من غير اغتنام، فإن الليل أربع وعشرون ساعة، في كل ساعة ألف نَفَس، خمسمائة تخرج من البدن وخمسمائة تدخل، وكل نَفَس خزانة ينبغي أن تملأ بفعل الخير لئلا يقدم العبد القيامة فيرى بعض الخزائن فارغة. وينبغي لذي الهمة أن ينفق عمره في أفضل الفضائل وهو العلم، فإنه إذا عمل به ورد به على محبة الخالق

“From the consistent (and profound) forms of laziness and idleness is wasting time aimlessly. A day is twenty-four hours, and each hour contains a thousand breaths; five hundred exhalations and five hundred inhalations. Each breath is a chest (of treasure) that must be filled with good deeds, lest the person come on the Day of Resurrection and finds some chests empty. A person of tenacity and resolve should spend his life in pursuit of higher levels of virtues, namely gaining knowledge; because by putting knowledge into practice will lead one to reach the love of his Creator.”

كتاب صولة العقل على الهوى لابن الجوزي ~

Rich and Poor

A Wise Counsel

من وصايا شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية

Ibrahīm ibn al-Habbāl al-Ba’lī said in his ‘Al-Nasīhat al-Mukhtasat’ (p.42): “I mentioned to you what our Shaykhu’l Islām, Ibn Taymiyyah – may Allāh support and favour him – imparted of an eloquent piece of advice to me in the year 703 hijri, which I committed to memory:

لا تقصد رضا الناس بأقوالك ولا أفعالك؛ فإن رضا الناس غاية لا تدرك، اليوم إن تُرض الناس يشكروك، وفي غد تسخطهم يذموك، انقضى عمرك بين شكرهم وذمهم، ولا حقيقة لأحدهما، بل إذا عرض لك أمر فيه طاعة الله أقدم عليه؛ ولو أن في قباليه ألفا يذمونك، فإن الله -تعالى- يكفيك شرهم، عملا بما ثبت عن عائشة ا وقد روي مرفوعا وموقوفا إلى النبي ﷺ أنه قال: “من أرضى الله بسخط الناس كفاه مؤونة الناس“، وإذا عرض لك أمر فيه معصية احذر ثم احذر أن تقدم عليه؛ ولو أن في قباليه ألفا يشكرونك، فإن الله تعالى يسلطهم عليك، عملا بقوله ﷺ: “من أرضى الناس بسخط الله عاد حامده من الناس ذامًا“، وفي لفظ : «وكله الله إليهم ولم يغنوا الله شيئا» ولقد وجدتُ -والله- في مدة العمر لهذه الوصية ثمرات عجيبة ، يجمع قلوبنا على طاعته ومحبته، إنه جواد كريم

❝ Never try to please people with your words or deeds, for their pleasure is unattainable. If you please them today, they’ll thank you, and if you anger them tomorrow, they’ll blame you. Your life will pass between thanking them and condemning them, and there’s no truth in either of these.

Therefore, if you are presented with a matter in which lies obedience to Allāh, then take it; and if there are a thousand people who blame (and slander you), then Allāh Almighty will suffice you from their evil. It was narrated from the Prophet ﷺ: “Whoever seeks Allāh’s pleasure by the people’s wrath, Allāh will suffice him from the people….”

Pay attention to this carefully; for if there are a thousand people lining up to thank you [for what you seek], Allāh Almighty will empower them over you, in accordance with His saying ﷺ: “And whoever seeks the people’s pleasure by Allāh’s wrath, Allāh will replace those praises with people’s dispraise.” ❞

And by Allāh, I’ve found in my own lifespan the marvelous fruits of the this advice, which unites our hearts in obeying and loving Him, for He is the Generous and Munificent.”


النصيحة المختصة (ص42) ~

Better than Gold 👝

It is recorded in ‘Hilyat al-Awliya’ (4/604) of Abu Nu’aym, that ‘Adullah ibn Mas’ūd رضي الله عنه said:

لو أن رجلا جلس على ظهر الطريق ومعه خرقة فيها دنانير، لا يمر إنسان إلا أعطاه دينارا وآخر إلى جانبه يكبر الله تعالى، لكان صاحب التكبير أعظم أجرا

“Were a person to sit at a roadside with a pouch containing gold coins, and with every passerby handing him a gold coin; while another person sat besides him exalting the praises of Allāh Almighty (with takbīr), the one reciting the takbīr would have greater reward.”


It is worthy to note that he who doesn’t have the financial means to extend in charity, then let him show his gratitude with his tongue by increasing in his portion of daily dhikr.